A place for those who love animals to get together and give a voice to non-human animals who cannot speak for themselves!

The University of Melbourne Animal Protection Society seeks to reduce and ultimately put an end to animal cruelty through:

  • Volunteering at animal shelters
  • Fostering healthy dialogue on animal welfare issues 
  • Promoting a plant-based lifestyle 
  • Advocating for adoption of ethical and humane practices regarding animals at the university such as by establishing a policy of conscientious objection to animal use in teaching and assessment

If you love animals and want to meet like-minded people or even just learn more about animal welfare, the Animal Protection Society is for you! Some of our activities include:

  • Volunteering at shelters 
  • Social meet ups on campus and at Melbourne’s best vegan restaurants 
  • Frequent discussions on animal cruelty and welfare issues 
  • Activism

We encourage all those interested in creating a more compassionate tomorrow for non-human animals to join us. Anyone is welcome to participate in any of our activities!


Club Aims:

  1. To provide our members with volunteering opportunities which make a positive impact on the lives of animals 
  2. To provide continuing support to all establishments who choose to provide animal-free services.
  3. To engage students, staff and other members of the university community in discussions surounding animal cruelty issues.
  4. To create a legacy whereby the society will be handed down from student group to student group over the years, in the hope that there will continue to be a presence on campus campaigning for and advocating the interests of animals.

Mailbox 63
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010