DS Cubed aims to support data science students and help them develop into world-class data scientists. DS Cubed represents students from all data science related courses.

Join our discord: https://discord.gg/s7dmGxx5

Club Aims

  1. To provide an environment that encourage Data Science students to connect through social events and study groups.
  2. To provide seminars, workshops and discussions on Data Science & AI subjects to broaden and improve students’ skills and knowledge.
  3. To host events that provide opportunities for students to network with Data Science research and industry partners.
  4. To co-ordinate the representation of Data Science students to the Science and Computer Science Faculties, and to the University.
  5. To support students and their studies with Data Science related courses. 

Data Science Student Society

Mailbox 12
Level 4, Building 168
University of Melbourne VIC 3010