Melbourne Technology Consulting Club (MTech) is a club dedicated to all things technology consulting.

Melbourne Technology Consulting Club (MTech) is a club dedicated to all things technology consulting. The club offers members with the opportunities to experience real-life technology consulting projects and to interact with industry professionals and like-minded people. This club is the right choice for you if you want to pursue a career in technology consulting, or want to know more about the field!

Club aims:

  1. To gather a network of like-minded individuals dedicated to providing practical and effective technology advisory services and address real-world problems
  2. To promote, advocate for and introduce the field of Technology Consulting in the University, which requires a combination of business and technology talents
  3. To provide hands-on experience in a variety of real-life scenarios and problems that organisations face through projects.
  4. To bridge the skills and experience gap that university students face.

Technology Consulting Club (MTech)

Mailbox 76

Level 4, Building 168

University of Melbourne VIC 3010